Safe and on time delivery is our priority
Worried about how you’re going to pick up and transport a product such as a treatment table to your premises? That’s really not necessary!
Worried about how you’re going to pick up and transport a product such as a treatment table to your premises? That’s really not necessary!
The delivery of our products in Slovenia is part of our service, which is free of charge for our customers. We will arrange the exact date and time with you a week or so before the delivery so that it fits in with your schedule. Our guys will deliver all the equipment you have ordered not only to your front door, but inside the premises. They will remove the protective packaging and prepare it for use. On your request they can show you how to handle and operate the product.
We have representatives in most European countries, as well as around the world, that sell our products. Our products need to be handled with care to arrive to their destination undamaged. We know how important it is to choose a good and reliable logistics partner. When we or our representatives organize the transport, the goal is the same: to reach the destination reliably, safely and on time. End customers abroad will contact dealers and arrange delivery to the end location with their delivery service.
The product journey starts in our house with a detailed quality control inspection, continues with the protection of the padding and packing in high-quality cardboard packaging. We make sure that products hit the road faultless and well protected and as such arrive to our customers and are instantly ready for use. For any further information, please contact us.