Bring treatment to a higher level
Massage and therapy tables
Massage, therapy and treatment tables are designed based on years of experience. The tables impress with the ergonomic construction, innovative solutions and awarded design. Exceptional stability and functionality ensure that practitioners can carry out their work efficiently, while the patients enjoy perfect comfort.
For successful, efficient and safe professional work, you should make no compromises on stability and functionality. The impressive standard safe working load of 250 kg and firm rubber feet contribute to the perfect stability of S-line 2nd generation massage and therapy tables. The tables won’t move or bend even with stronger pressure applied during treatments. To make the practitioner’s work easier, the height of the table can be electrically adjusted by pressing a circular switch up and down from all sides of the table. If one chooses, the height can also be adjusted hydraulically by pressing the foot pedal on either side of the table.
The patients will feel completely relaxed and safe while lying on 8 cm thick padding with two-layer foam. The whole lying surface is wider due to the padding finished at a right angle, so the chosen massage or therapy table will be suitable for any body type. Additional comfort is guaranteed in a prone position as well because the breathing hole has memory foam and welded seams around it.
The upholstery is made of high-quality biocompatible imitation leather because cleaning and preserving a high hygiene standard is a must nowadays. We strongly recommend regular cleaning and removing residues of lotions and oils. There are more than 30 colors available to choose from, so the table will perfectly match your workplace.
Massage tables
Novak M offers two- and three-section massage S-line tables that received Red Dot award 2020 for their superior design. If you mostly perform massages in a prone position, Massage table S2 is a perfect choice. The additional third section gives the Massage table S3 greater positioning flexibility. While you can manually regulate the head and leg sections, the back section is fixed. To provide the ultimate comfort for your clients during treatments, you can use face cushions made of memory foam that gently support the face.
Therapy tables
Therapy tables are designed to cater to all needs and meet the requirements of even the most complex therapies. Therapy table S3 is a three-section table for treatments that demand using a Jackknife or Trendelenburg position. When you need to adjust the table’s sections electrically with a hand switch, the perfect choice would be the Therapy table S4. With innovative solutions, the table offers support when positioning heavier patients thus protecting the health of the personnel.
Therapy table S8 is a fully equipped table. Standardly, it includes a three-part head section for full relaxation of the neck, back and shoulder girdle, and sturdier foldable side wings on the back section. For rehabilitation, you can choose between two different models of Bobath table. Both, one- and two-section models, include a hand switch for height adjustment and with a two-section model you can regulate the head section as well.
Massage table S2 – electric
… a two-section table offering the perfect combination of comfort and support during massage and physiotherapy treatments
Massage table S2 – hydraulic
… hydraulic two-section table for various massage and physiotherapy treatments
Massage table S2 – basic
... perfect economical combination of elegance and functionality
Massage table S3 – electric
… perfectly stable and comfortable for massage, beauty and physiotherapy treatments
Massage table S3 – hydraulic
… a perfect solution to support therapists with massage and physiotherapy treatments
Massage table S3 – basic
… electric 3-section model for full support during various massage treatments
Therapy table S2 – basic
… basic electric two-section table with an extra-long head section that provides a comfortable sitting position
Therapy table S2 – electric
… with an extra-long head section for treating patients in sitting position
Therapy table S2 – hydraulic
… a perfect hydraulic table for performing massages and physiotherapy treatments in a sitting position
Therapy table S3 – electric
… a three-section table allowing different patient positions, also (Anti-)Trendelenburg and Jackknife
Therapy table S3 – hydraulic
… a three-section table for performing massage and physiotherapy treatments in different positions
Therapy table S3 – basic
… fully adjustable basic electric model for various physiotherapy treatments
Therapy table S4
... four-section therapy table to perform physiotherapy treatments and therapies
Therapy table S8
... perfectly equipped top quality table to perform osteopathy and other more demanding therapies
Bobath table S
... perfectly stable and comfortable for rehabilitation treatments
Bobath table S2
... with wide two-section lying surface for rehabilitation treatments