Entering the foreign markets | Novak M for 45 years

Just as the famous Cicero’s quote says “Omnium rerum principia parva sunt.” or “The beginnings of all things are small.”, Novak M slowly fought its way on the foreign market in the beginning of the millennium.

Exhibiting at Medica trade fair

In 2005 Novak M participated at the international Medica Trade Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, for the first time. On one hand it was a confirmation that we manufacture high-quality medical equipment and can place ourselves on the world’s market. On the other hand, it brought new challenges. We found ourselves comparing with the best providers of medical equipment. The fair brought us in contact with the newest trends that our development department had to consider.

Here we come!

Entering the foreign markets was not so easy. Our mindset had to change. We needed to think broader, but we were sure we had the potential to develop through dedication and hard work. We encountered problems with market specifics of each country, different languages and cultural differences. In time, the company adjusted to new demands and became more and more worldwide oriented with a clear vision and business direction.

Dealers network

The network of dealers we have today is the result of many years of work. We are proud to be present in 21 countries. Reliability, trustworthiness and honesty are the values we prioritize in relations with our dealers.  We have been working with some for years, while others have joined in more recently. We welcome every collaboration that fulfils our mission to help medical staff bring treatment to a higher level. Thank you for your cooperation!

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