Novak M brand in Dutch

Have you noticed? Our website has received a new language version. In addition to the existing 6 languages, we have introduced Dutch.

Closer to our customers

For many years, we have been present on the market in Belgium and the Netherlands, which are vital to our business operations. We support leading medical equipment suppliers with high quality products. Our commitment to excellence drives us to get even closer to our valued customers.  That is why, we have decided to add a new language version to our website. In addition to the French spoken in the area, we have added Dutch.

Stöpler joins our network of dealers

We have recently expanded our network of partners in this market. In addition to Stim-Form SRL and Dermat Medical Supplies BVBA, Stöpler Medical B.V. has joined our family of partners. By taking over the entire Dutch market, including after-sales support and service, Stöpler is set to play an important role in providing an even higher level of service to our customers. This is indeed a valuable addition that will contribute to increased customer satisfaction with our products.

Anticipation of Future Progress

We are proud of our long-standing presence in the Netherlands and Belgium. We are committed to further growth and look forward to a strong collaboration with our dealers in this important market.

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