Entries by ana_cesen

Fit and healthy in the new year

We all know how important it is for our health to be physically active and stay fit. This winter season, Novak M offers its employees to take part in guided exercise in cooperation with KineoSpot.

At the Day Hospital of Morela okulisti Eye Center

The high-quality standards set by Morela okulisti Eye Center for its services also apply to the equipment they use. Two Day hospital chairs ZeroG and a Stretcher X2 have become part of their day hospital in Ljubljana.

S-line treatment tables part of Cronos Med beauty story

The Cronos Med Group from Romania opened their third clinic in Iasi in October. Years of experience and international expertise of their personnel ensure safe and professional treatment. Our S-line treatment tables will contribute to reaching the highest standards of their services.

5 tips for your treatment table’s good looks

Here are 5 tips on how to tend your treatment table’s padding. Regular care even with consistent use day in and day out will help you ensure a long and productive life of the table in your practice.