Entries by ana_cesen

Once more at the Ljubljana Marathon

The streets of Ljubljana were flooded with runners yesterday, for the 26th time in a row. After the epidemic, the event was back in its full form with the Lumpi and school runs for children. We were delighted to see that some of our runners were among the crowds.

Artros Medical Center

Artros Medical Center located in Tehnološki park, Ljubljana Brdo, is expanding its premises this October. We are pleased that Novak M products are also part of their successful story that is motivated by its honorable mission to help people regain their health.

What should you look for in an examination table: 5 must considerations

Finding the right examination table for your private practice, a clinic or a hospital can make all the difference for your patients and your everyday work. Specific features can ease care delivery and improve patients’ comfort. But you need to know what to look for. Here are five must considerations.

Why equip a treatment table with a battery backup?

Has a sudden power loss ever occurred to you during a treatment? Table adjustments are no longer possible. You can’t lower the table or reset patient position. With a battery backup you can avoid such unpleasant situations.

Slovenian Sports Day – 23 September

On Friday, Slovenia celebrates the Slovenian Sports Day. On this day, we invite everyone to put on their sports shoes, get on their bike, go for a walk on a nearby hill or do any sports activity. Everything counts! Sport strengthens our body and mind and bonds us.

Circular switch for smooth height adjustment

The first impression by your clients and patients comes only once, so you want to impress them with quality examination, massage or therapy equipment. At the same time, it is important to consider also your own requirements and needs. What better way to do so than having a table, where you can quickly, easily and very smoothly regulate its height and take care of your own health, simply by the innovatively designed circular switch.

World Physiotherapy Day 2022

On the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day, we talked to Mrs. Petra Kotnik, senior physiotherapist and BA in Organizational Sciences, who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Novo Mesto. One can feel her complete dedication to her profession and care for others which certainly inspires her students, the future physiotherapists.

Medical office: how to inspire trust and your expertise

Without doubt, you want all of your patients to feel welcome and at ease and above all that they can trust your expertise. It is their overall experience that will influence the most the kind of doctor-patient relationship is built. Here are some tips on what to consider when fitting out your medical office.